Committed to striving for excellence
POLYSTAR and Business Partners have well established quality control systems in place that have successfully passed audits by major Fortune 500 companies as well as international audits including AIB and ISO. We are compliant to all industry standards and are constantly working towards achieving the next best practices approach in this always evolving industry.
From extrusion to shipping there are procedures in place to record, test, monitor and analyze each component of the production cycle.
Our success is measured by our customer’s success and providing only the very best quality products is our ongoing endeavor. Printing continues to be the most influential means to maximize a products shelf appeal and perceived value. Recent advancements in pre-press and converting technology paired with our experienced production staff, help us to exceed customer expectations and create winning products. Our quality control procedures give our customers peace of mind.
Production Quality Control monitors every single step of the production cycle, including real time testing and adjusting to assure we meet and comply with the expected results.
Lab Quality Control provides in depth product analysis including strength and exposure testing to assure packaging integrity of our products and quality consistency.
Quality Policy
We are committed to striving for excellence in all our activities to provide our customers quality products and services on time.
We recognize that the success of the company is due to the dynamism, teamwork, competence and abilities of all our employees.
We establish and review our quality objectives in order to constantly improve the efficiency of our methods, processes and quality system in order to reflect our major concern to continuous improvement.
Application domain
Manufacture and printing of flexible plastic packaging.